
AdaBot User Guide

UI Example


AdaBot is a fast chatbot app designed to help you manage your tasks. Simply type your commands and AdaBot will handle the rest.


User-friendly GUI

As we can see from the image above, AdaBot is user-friendly and intuitive.

Local Storage

Your interaction with AdaBot will be saved in a task list stored in your local device, so all your tasks will be safe as long as your device is safe.

Deadline, Event, Todo

AdaBot handles 3 types of tasks:

Usage - List of Commands

` ` - List all available commands

You’re a new user? Don’t worry! Simply type nothing and click Enter to see all available commands.

To support fast typers, AdaBot provides an alias for each command.

list/l - List all tasks

List all tasks saved on AdaBot.


deadline/d Add a deadline

Add a deadline to your task list with specified YYYY-MM-DD deadline date

deadline [description] /by [YYYY-MM-DD]


deadline homework /by 2023-12-31 will add a deadline named homework that is due on 31 Dec 2023.

event/e Add an event

Add an event to your task list with specified YYYY-MM-DD start date and YYYY-MM-DD end date

event [description] /from [YYYY-MM-DD] /to [YYYY-MM-DD]


event holiday /from 2023-12-01 /to 2023-12-31 will add an event named holiday from 1 Dec 2023 to 31 Dec 2023.

todo/t Add a todo

Add a todo to your task list without any specified date

todo [description]


todo workout will add a todo task named workout to your task list.

mark/m Mark your task as done

mark [number]


mark 3 will mark the third task, i.e., task number 3 in your task list as done.


Nice! I've marked this task as done:
 [E][X] holiday (1 Dec 2023 - 31 Dec 2023)

unmark/u Mark your task as not done

unmark [number]


unmark 3 will mark the third task, i.e., task number 3 in your task list as not done.

find/f Find all tasks with specified keyword

This command will list all tasks that contain the keyword you’re looking for.

find [keyword]


find exam will list all tasks in your task list that contain the word “exam” in it. Keyword is case-sensitive.

date/a Find all tasks you have on a specific date

date [YYYY-MM-DD]


date 2023-12-31 will list all tasks you have on 31 Dec 2023.


Here are the tasks on 31 Dec 2023:
1.[E][X] holiday (1 Dec 2023 - 31 Dec 2023)
2.[D][] tP (by: 31 Dec 2023)

delete/del Delete a task

delete [number]


delete 3 will delete the third task, i.e., task number 3 in your task list.

bye/b Close AdaBot

Terminates the AdaBot session. Note that the window is not automatically closed.



Bye. Hope to see you again soon!
AdaBot is terminated. You may close this window.

Command Summary

Alias Command Word Function
` ` ` ` List all available commands
l list List all tasks
d [description] /by [YYYY-MM-DD] deadline Add a deadline
e [description] /from [YYYY-MM-DD] /to [YYYY-MM-DD] event Add an event
t [description] todo Add a todo task
m [number] mark Mark task as done
u [number] unmark Mark task as not done
f [keyword] find Find all tasks with specified keyword
a [YYYY-MM-DD] date Find all tasks you have on a specific date
del [number] delete Delete a task
b bye Close AdaBot

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